Management of sports knee injuries (FULLY BOOKED)
Course description
This 2-days knee rehabilitation course, has been developed by the presenter, who is both a knee specialized physical therapist (clinician) and clinical researcher – therefore merges in his everyday practice the 2 aspects. The concept underpinning the structure of this course that aims to be solidly based on the best available evidence (published and non-published) and the clinical expertise accumulated by the instructor, constantly updated in each edition, is to provide clinicians with a comprehensive theoretical and heavily practical learning pathway around the rehabilitation following knee injuries.
The participants will be driven in practice through a journey from the moment of the injury to discharge/Return To Sport after the most frequent knee injuries that a wide range of individuals, from regular people to weekend warriors, from semi-pro to professional/elite athletes, can incur into – such as
- anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears – either non-surgical or post-operative, differenciating by grafts
- ACL-R with associated lesions (MCL, LCL, meniscus, cartilage, postero-lateral corner injuries, cartilage lesions)
- isolated meniscus tears rehabilitation – either non-surgical or following meniscectomy/repair
- isolated medial & lateral collateral ligaments (MCL & LCL) injuries
- isolated posterior cruciate ligament tears

DAY #1
08:30 – 09:00
09:00 – 09:30
SPORTS KNEE INJURIES: QUICK OVERVIEW OF THE OVERALL SCENARIO (epidemiology, risk factors, specific aspects from different sports & settings)
SCIENTIFIC LITERATURE BACKGROUND OF ACL & ASSOCIATED LESIONS, AND OTHER KNEE INJURIES (what we know and what we don’t about ACL injuries: debunking some myths, what we should all know rehab-wise, real word Vs scientific literature)
09:30 – 09:40
CRITERIA TO BE CLEARED FOR SURGERY (a proposal considering the scientific literature and further ideas)
09:40 – 11:15
MANAGING THE POST-SURGICAL KNEE – THE ACUTE PHASE PART 1 (change dressings, check the wounds, manage all the patient’s questions: a physio job all around the world, when…off crutches/driving/working/partying/Return To Run/Return To Train/Return To Sport?, patients’ expectations: when the pre-op discussion with the surgeon/physio is the problem, rehab in case of ACL-R with associated lesions, management with PCL with/without PLC & with MCL with/without PMC, the knee homeostasis concept: why we could not care less about strengthening at this stage, manual therapy: when it makes sense and when not, NMES works only if the patient works too) – PRACTICAL & DECISION-MAKING SESSION
11:15 – 11:30
11:30 – 13:00
MANAGING THE POST-SURGICAL KNEE – THE ACUTE PHASE PART 2 (planning the journey, the first 6 weeks or so: overcoming muscle inhibition, neuromuscular training, cardio, abs & hips, early motor re-learning, getting off the drugs ASAP via physical activity: firing the endocrine system to boost rehab, upper body didn’t undergo surgery: train it!, CKC Vs OKC, different grafts following ACL-R = different post-op rehab, the post-op red-flags: infections, DVTs, cyclop lesions, arthrofibrosis) – PRACTICAL SESSION
13:00 – 14:00
14:00 – 15:00
THE EARLY INTERMEDIATE PHASE (teaching skillful movements: internal Vs external focus, vision perturbation, progressive strengthening & endurance training, cardio/HIIT, abs & hips, balance, motor re-learning+, criteria to advance to the next phase and testing) – PRACTICAL SESSION
15:00 – 16:30
THE INTERMEDIATE PHASE (Blood Flow Restriction/BFR & isoinertial training application in knee rehab, strengthening program for max strength, hard cardio HIIT, abs & hips, advanced balance, motor re-learning++, criteria to advance to the next phase and testing, isokinetic training & testing) – PRACTICAL SESSION
16:30 – 16:45
16:45 – 18:00
RETURN TO RUN/RTR (the progressive fashion and testing, RTR criteria proposal considering the published scientific literature and further ideas, translating into practice, load monitoring concept) – PRACTICAL SESSION
DAY #2
09:00 – 10:30
THE LATE-INTERMEDIATE PHASE (progressive strengthening program: completing max strength & early plyometrics, running progressions, hopping & jumping, core, advanced balance++, motor re-learning++, overall load increase, criteria to advance to the next phase and testing, should we rehab the cartilage following knee surgery?) – PRACTICAL SESSION
10:30 – 11:00
RETURN TO TRAIN/RTT (the progressive fashion philosophy and the testing, the ‘restricted practice’, the ‘fatigue-state’ concept) – PRACTICAL SESSION (part #1)
11:00 – 11:15
12:00 – 12:45
RETURN TO TRAIN/RTT (RTT criteria proposal considering the published scientific literature and further ideas, translating into practice) – PRACTICAL SESSION (part #2)
12:45 – 13:45
13:45 – 15:30
THE LATE PHASE (the ‘ecological validity’ in rehab, plyometric training, running/accelerations/sprinting, change of directions, core++, load progression/variations, progressive restricted practice: non-contact/easy, non-contact/hard, contact/easy, contact/hard, working in ‘fatigue-state’, criteria to advance to the next phase and testing) – PRACTICAL SESSION
15:30 – 15.45
15:45 – 17:00
RETURN TO SPORT/RTS (RTS criteria proposal considering the published scientific literature, testing in ‘fatigue-state’, translating into practice, what if he fails the RTS tests: amateur/semi-pro/professionals?) – PRACTICAL SESSION
17:00 – 17:15
KNEE OSTEOARTHRITIS (the unfortunate consequence of many orthopaedic sports knee conditions)
17:15 – 17:30
ACL INJURIES PREVENTION PROGRAMS (they’re effective and free: a short overview followed by a critical evaluation of the reason why they are not implemented enough and how to include a smart risk reduction program in the everyday sports clinical practice) Q&A – COURSE END
Sebastiano Nutarelli Sebastiano is a physiotherapist with a masters in biomechanics and a PhD candidate in sports medicine. Sebastiano runs two large clinics in Switzerland called Sports Rehab, focusing on sports medicine with a special nisch for arthrofibrosis. Sebastiano has presented at some of the largest conferences, including Isokinetic2024 in Madrid and Sportkongress in Copenhagen 2024. Sebastiano was a part of the Olympic medical team for Switzerlands swimming team from 2018 up to Tokyo Olympics 2021. | ![]() |
Course date: 21-22 Januari 2025
Location: Idrottshälsan i Skåne, Porfyrvägen 14, 224 78 Lund
Price: 5000 sek, excluding VAT (moms)
Language: English
Miscellaneous: Lunch is included. The material will be digital.
Registration for the course
Registration is binding and non-refundable!
Course fee is non-refundable unless doctors notes are provided as proof of sickness, whereafter only 25% of the course fee will be charged. In case of course cancellation, only the course fee will be reimbursed. Costs for travel, hotell and such can not be claimed.