Välkommen till kurs på Idrottshälsan i mars!
Optimising the rehabilitation and return to sport training process post ACL reconstruction med Matthew Buckthorpe
För första gången i Sverige ger Matthew Buckthorpe sin kurs om återgång till idrott och optimering av rehabilitering efter ACL-rekonstruktion!
Kursen berör alla delar av en korsbandsrehabilitering, men inriktar sig framför allt på den senare delen och tar bland annat upp on-field rehabilitation – övergången från klinik till återgång till träning med sitt lag. För ytterligare detaljer se avsnitten nedan. Kursen ges på engelska och är dels teoretisk samt dels praktisk.
Matthew har flertalet publicerade artiklar i ämnet och föreläser bl.a. på Isokinetics konferenser.

This course will consider the process from injury to return to play post ACL reconstruction, with a particular emphasis on the late-stage rehabilitation and return to sport testing and training process. It will cover an often-neglected area of rehabilitation, specifically movement retraining and on-field rehabilitation – the missing bridge between rehabilitation and return to the team/sport.
Despite increased knowledge on anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury mechanisms, improved surgical techniques, improved understanding of ACL biomechanics and enhanced knowledge in rehabilitation practice, return-to-sport rates and subsequent second ACL re-injury rates after ACL reconstruction are not optimal.
For optimal outcomes, there is a need to have an optimal functional recovery process based on the bio-psycho-social framework, as well as a team or individuals skilled in delivery of ACL rehab programmes.
This course will consider the process from injury to return to play post ACL reconstruction, with a particular emphasis on the late-stage rehabilitation and return to sport testing and training process. It will cover an often-neglected area of rehabilitation, specifically movement retraining and on-field rehabilitation – the missing bridge between rehabilitation and return to the team/sport.
Kursens innehåll:
- What are we aiming for? RTS ambitions and outcomes post ACLR
- Video analysis of ACL injuries and implications for RTS training and testing
- Key components/themes of ACL rehabilitation
- Principles of rehabilitation
- Rehabilitation environments
- The functional recovery process – from Injury to RTP
- Strength and power restoration
- Movement Retraining
- On-field rehabilitation
- The RTS continuum
Kursens mål:
- Understand the mechanisms, patterns and biomechanics of ACL injury in sport and how this relates to rehab, RTP and re-injury prevention
- Identify the key factors which need to be addressed throughout the rehabilitation process prior to RTS
- Understand the key milestones which need to be achieved during the ACL rehabilitation and return to sport process
- Achieve a greater understanding of the movement tasks and task progressions post ACL reconstruction and when to perform/assess them
- Understand how to program for strength and power restoration
- Understand the main movement issues present post ACL reconstruction, how to assess and address them as part of the rehabilitation process
- Understand the 4 pillars of on-field rehabilitation and how to progress an athlete from linear running on the pitch through to return to team training.
Om föreläsaren

Matthew Buckthorpe (BSc, MSc, PhD) is an educator, applied researcher and practitioner within the fields of sport, exercise and rehabilitation science.
He is currently a senior lecturer at St Mary’s University, Twickenham (London, UK) in Strength and Conditioning and Physiology and consultant to Isokinetic Medical Group’s (FIFA Medical Centre of Excellence) Education and Research Department. Previously, Matt was a rehabilitation specialist and applied researcher with Isokinetic Medical Group (2012-2020) and consulted to the Performance Science department of Southampton Football Club.
Matt’s background is as an Interdisciplinary Sport & Exercise Scientist. He attained a PhD in Neuromuscular Performance (2014) at Loughborough University and has more than 40 peer reviewed publications. His research interests are in neuromuscular performance, rehabilitation and return to sport post-ACL reconstruction and injury mechanisms and prevention. In particular, Matt has focused heavily on translating research into practice and has published many leading education reviews and clinical commentaries in leading sports medicine journals. These are principally based around optimising the rehabilitation and return to sport testing and training process post ACL reconstruction.
Tid och plats
Kursdatum: 14-15 mars 2024
Kursplats: Idrottshälsan i Skåne, Porfyrvägen 14 i Lund
Kursavgift: 5600 exkl. moms. Lunch och fika ingår.
Anmälan är bindande. Vid sjukdom skall läkarintyg uppvisas och då återbetalas 50% av kursavgiften. Vid inställd kurs återbetalas enbart kursavgift, ej resor, logi och dylikt.
Vid frågor kontakta Mauri Banega.
En plats kvar!